The benefits of real-time data for CROs

Author: Andrés Escallón, VP eCOA Practice


Enhanced Decision-Making: Real-time data empowers CROs with timely insights, enabling swift adjustments to trial protocols and addressing compliance issues, ultimately maintaining trial momentum. 

Improved Patient Care: Access to immediate patient information facilitates informed treatment decisions, enhances patient retention, and optimizes overall trial experience. 

Operational Efficiency: Continuous monitoring of site activities and enrollment metrics allows CROs to adapt strategies in real-time, ensuring optimal site performance and achieving enrollment goals.  

The power of real-time data in clinical trials 

Consumers today have grown accustomed to immediate data and metrics that influence their decisions. Whether it's through social media, e-commerce, or other platforms, real-time data provides instant feedback and enhances user engagement and decision-making.  

This same principle applies to clinical trials, where real-time data in Interactive Response Technology (IRT), electronic Clinical Outcome Assessments (eCOA), and electronic Consent (eConsent) systems significantly improves trial efficiency, site engagement, and decision-making. 

The power of high-quality and real-time data for CROs 

Throughout Suvoda’s partnerships with Clinical Research Organizations (CROs), one common consensus has emerged: access to high-quality data powered by fit-for-purpose technology is crucial for making real-time decisions. 

Here are some ways that real-time data provide value for CROs: 

Timely insights 

Immediate patient data entry, such as recording contemporaneous data or clinical assessments, allows CROs to access up-to-date information without delays, facilitating quick decision-making. Access to timely insights maintains the momentum of clinical trials and ensures that adjustments, such as protocol modifications or addressing eConsent or eCOA compliance at specific sites, can be made promptly. This prevents costly delays and provides a clearer picture of the trial’s progress and participants’ status.  

Patient care 

Real-time data aids investigators in making informed decisions on treatment adjustments, increasing the likelihood of patient retention. What’s more, increased review of patient compliance data through real-time reports by CRAs and site staff correlates with higher eCOA compliance. With up-to-date information, CROs can fine-tune treatments based on the latest patient information, address patient concerns more effectively, and enhance overall patient experience within the trial.


Reports and alerts make early identification of potential issues possible, allowing sponsors to adjust parts of their trial as necessary. For example, many CROs have reported low patient enrollment as an obstacle in clinical trials, causing delays in study timelines. Real-time data helps CROs monitor enrollment and adapt strategies to meet enrollment goals.  

Activity site reports can be another potential issue. With access to real-time data, CROs have the ability to monitor site activity and adjust the number of operating sites, helping all sites function at optimal levels. 

The Suvoda Platform's role in enhancing clinical trials with real-time data 

The Suvoda Platform provides real-time data access, enabling CROs and sponsors to analyze trial data, identify trends, and proactively resolve issues. Seamlessly connected technology solutions within the platform eliminate the need for duplicative data entry, reduce errors, and simplify site workflows. 

This real-time data allows CROs to make informed decisions based on patient status, visit progress, and enrollment metrics, addressing challenges as they emerge to boost precision and efficiency. CROs can use unified reporting capabilities in the Suvoda platform to closely monitor trial status and manage critical, time-sensitive processes. 

Data sharing across the Suvoda Platform enables gates and triggers to manage the patient journey through the trial, for example, by supporting clinicians to have patients sign the most up-to-date version of the consent form before they are dispensed a drug.  

Similarly, the platform verifies patient inclusion/exclusion responses before randomizing them into the study. For example, in an oncology study this can help investigators screen out patients who do not have the specific tumor type for which the therapy is intended. 

By leveraging immediate feedback and insights from real-time data, CROs can enhance patient care, improve trial efficiency, and increase engagement, fostering a more effective clinical trial process. 


Watch: Top 3 CRO Challenges in Clinical Trials Today and Proven Strategies to Overcome Them

  • How are CROs helping navigate change management? 
  • How can CROs best support and advise sponsors on key clinical trial issues?
  • How can CROs know how to make the right decision for their trials?



Andrés Escallón
VP eCOA Practice