eBook: Decoding eClinical Trends

Data & Insights on eConsent, IRT, eCOA and AI

eBook: Decoding eClinical Trends

Data and Insights on eConsent, IRT, eCOA and AI


This eBook shares a comprehensive overview of recent advancements and trends in clinical trial technologies. Learn about the adoption and impact of eConsent, IRT (Interactive Response Technology), eCOA (Electronic Clinical Outcome Assessments), and AI (Artificial Intelligence) within the clinical trials sector.

eConsent: The report highlights the growing adoption of electronic consent (eConsent), which patients consider more user-friendly compared to traditional paper-based consent methods. Surveys indicate patients largely prefer electronic signatures for medical consent forms, especially in the U.S.

IRT: The eBook emphasizes IRT as a crucial tool for optimizing clinical trial supply chains, reducing waste, and managing costs effectively. A McKinsey study highlighted in the report shows that the technology can reduce waste and associated costs by 15-20%.

eCOA: The adoption of eCOA is on the rise, enhancing patient engagement and data accuracy in clinical trials. eCOA systems have been instrumental in improving compliance and data accuracy on patient questionnaires, bolstering outcomes data quality for study submissions.

AI: There is cautious optimism about the role of AI in enhancing clinical trial processes. Clinical leaders expect AI to be a significant trend in the coming years, with potential applications in optimizing clinical trial execution, data analysis, and patient recruitment.

Key Takeaways

  • Increasing Technology Integration: Technologies like eConsent, IRT, and eCOA are increasingly integral in modernizing clinical trials, making processes more efficient and patient-friendly.
  • Benefits for Sponsors and Patients: Technologies not only improve operational efficiencies but also enhance patient engagement and satisfaction, leading to better trial outcomes.
  • Future Potential of AI: AI holds promising potential to revolutionize clinical trials by improving efficiency and precision in various aspects of trial management and execution.

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